[MNC-list] Fwd: Happening Now at Venice Island in Manayunk

Kevin Smith kevin.smith at manayunkcouncil.org
Thu Sep 12 15:46:07 EDT 2024

-------- Original Message -------- 

 		Happening Now at Venice Island in Manayunk

 		2024-09-12 14:00

 		Venice Island Performing Arts Center
<veniceislandperformingartscenter-phila.gov at shared1.ccsend.com>

 		kevin at shady.com

 		veniceislandperformingartscenter at phila.gov

Performances, Programs and More! 


Fall 1 Session with Miss Molly 

Miss Molly's Music Classes are based in music appreciation, learning
rhythms, incorporating elements of early childhood education into music,
and most of all FUN! Children's instruments are provided for all

Fall 1- Sept. 10th - Oct. 29th- 8 weeks 

Lil' Troubadours (ages 0-4) 

Tuesday at 10am 

$10/class for the full session 

$15/drop-in class (if registration allows) 

2024-2025 Classes 

Fall 1- Sept. 10th - Oct. 29th- 8 weeks 

Fall 2- Nov. 12th - Dec. 17th - 6 weeks  

Winter- Jan. 7th - Feb. 25th- 8 weeks 

Winter 2- March 11th - April 29th- 8 weeks 

Spring- May 13th - July 1st - 8 weeks 

Register [1] your little one today! 

We Walk PHL 

Sept. 5th - Oct. 24th 

Thursday, 5:30pm-6:30pm 

We Walk PHL seeks to promote positive health outcomes, increase use of
Philadelphia's Park system, and create opportunities for people to
pursue fitness goals while meeting their neighbors. Walks at Venice
Island take place one day per week at each site, and last around an
hour. Join Us! 

Hot Box Yoga 

Outdoor classes are BACK! Every Monday and Wednesday come flow with us
at 6 pm at Venice Island in Manayunk until Oct. 2nd. 

While we love the heat, nothing is more grounding and healing than
practicing outside to the sounds of nature with the sun shining and wind
blowing. Check out the benefits for yourself! 

Mondays @ 6 pm with Sarah Panetta 

Wednesdays @ 6 pm with a member of our fabulous team! 


Creatives' Piers Open Mic & Artist Showcase 

Tuesday, 24 September 

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm 

It's year four of taking Creatives' OUTSIDE to Venice Island Performing
Arts Center! 

"Doors" open at 6:45 PM to give attendees a chance to check in, drop
their names in the various buckets to perform (if you so desire) & find
a place to settle in for the night. Make sure to bring your own chair or
blanket to be more comfortable for the show. 

If you're hoping to perform you need to arrive absolutely no later than
7:05 PM. We'll draw the first set of names of performers LOTTERY STYLE
at 7:10 PM & the first performance will be at 7:15 PM. 

We'll do a second drawing before our brief intermission at 8:15 PM to
find out who's closing out the event! 

Tickets [2]: $5-50   

Mothers Making Music and Moves! 

Wednesday, 25 September 

07:30 pm - 09:30 pm 

Come join us for a fundraiser sponsored by The City of Philadelphia
through Councilman Isaiah Thomas [3] for nonprofit organization SCH
Creative & Performing Arts Inc. [4] 

We are honoring The Mother of Black Music Month and celebrity strategist
Dyana Williams [5] and CEO of HiTouch Enterprise, concert
producer/manager and stage manager Felicia Williams. The event will be
hosted by Power 99 (iHeart) radio personality Roxy Romeo [6], a panel
style conversation with mothers who are in the entertainment industry,
resources for mothers, and live performances. 

We are honoring and uplifting mothers in the music and entertainment
industry who have successfully balanced their careers and motherhood.
Our mission is to inspire, encourage, and support music artists to feel
comfortable creating a family while continuing to pursue their music
career goals. We also aim to inform artists of the potential challenges
they may face and prepare them with available resources pre- and

Tickets: [7] $35-100   

Rocky Horror Picture Show 

Saturday, 5 October 

6:00 pm & 9:00 pm 

Manayunk Development Corporation [8] hosts a live performance of the
Rocky Horror Picture Show with Transylvanian Nipple Productions [9]. 

Give yourself over to absolute pleasure & let's do the Time Warp Again!
Grab your fishnets and join us for the cult classic THE ROCKY HORROR
PICTURE SHOW - which is part of the Out & About in MYNK [10]

Doors open at 5:30pm! Prop bags will be on sale at the venue. No outside
props permitted. 

Tickets: [11] $20-30 

Venice Island is able to provide low or no cost programming
opportunities for youth and families, as well as be a competitively
priced theatre and recreation space for the community. Your financial
support will go a long way to ensure that Venice Island continues to
provide this great service for seasons to come. 

 		DONATE [12]

 		Join Our Mailing List [13]

 		 [14]   [15]

Venice Island Performing Arts Center | 7 Lock Street | Philadelphia, PA
19127 US 

Unsubscribe [16] | Update Profile [17] | Constant Contact Data Notice


Kevin Smith, President, Manayunk Neighborhood Council.
(p)215-487-2125  (f)215-487-3812

[18] http://www.constantcontact.com/legal/about-constant-contact
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