[MNC-list] Wissahickon Transfer Expansion--Public Meeting February 26 2020

Kevin Smith kevin at shady.com
Sat Feb 22 15:31:35 EST 2020

SEPTA has been making big plans for a big expansion of the Wissahickon Transfer Center.

They have met several times with representatives from local civics.

They are now calling for a public meeting.  See the attached flyer.

When: Wednesday February 26, 2020; 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Where: Gustine Recreation Centerl; 4868 Ridge Avenue.

Yes folks, that's in four days.

SEPTA will be taking over the old Butin(?) Paint, and more recently Cadence Cycling, location at 5000 Ridge Ave.. Next to the current Transfer Center.

We wrote about it in our December 2019 Newsletter (see the attached PDF). Note, there have been minor changes to some elements on Ridge Avenue, since the Newsletter article.

The size of the Transfer Center will be increasing. There will also be an increase in buses and routes.

We are continuing to work with SEPTA to improve the appearance of the Transfer Center from Ridge Avenue.

Wissahickon Transfer Center is already a significant hub and it is planned to be even more so.

This is, as everyone knows, also a busy traffic corridor and the gateway to Roxborough, East Falls, and Manayunk.

If you drive or take transit, you probably want to know what's going here!

When: Wednesday February 26, 2020; 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Where: Gustine Recreation Centerl; 4868 Ridge Avenue.

Sent from room 641A

Kevin Smith | ShadeTree Software, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 215-487-3811
            | Kevin/MNC 215-487-2125

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